Creating a Script Log

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With the Dexterity runtime engine version 6.0 and higher, you can turn on a special Debug menu that will allow you to record what Great Plains or other Solution Developer products are doing while you enter data, post information or run reports and macros. This is not the same as a DEXSQL.LOG file, which records only database activity. The script log records user activity and processing based on the user interface.

To enable the Debug menu, you will need to edit your DEX.INI file.  In versions prior to GP 10.0, this file is usually located in the C:\Dynamics, C:\eEntrps or C:\Program Files\Microsoft Business Solutions\Great Plains directory. With GP 10.0 or later, this file is in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP\Data folder. Open the DEX.INI with Notepad and add the following line (you can use Copy/Paste to make sure it is accurate): ScriptDebugger=TRUE. The next time you log into Dynamics, a new Debug menu will appear next to the Help menu.

If you have any mc² product installed, you can also change this setting by marking the “Log Scripts” checkbox on the Workstation Settings window under the Tools/Setup/…Setup menu.

To create a script log, choose Log Scripts from the Debug menu. When you do this, you will be prompted to choose a location and a name for the file (the default is “script.log”). The file can be given any name, but you should use a .log or .txt extension, so that the file is always opened in Notepad. When you want to stop logging the scripts, choose Log Scripts from the Debug menu again (it will be checked when you open the menu, and choosing it will uncheck it, and stop logging the scripts).

If you have installed the latest build of any mc² product, you can also create a constant script log by marking the “Auto-Start Script Log” on the Workstation Settings window. This will automatically start script logging as soon as Dynamics GP is launched.  A file “mc2….Log” file will be saved in the \GP\Data or program install folder.  The file will have the name of the user who’s processes are being logged following the “mc2”.  This allows for individual user-specific logging in a Terminal Server environment.

If you are in a Terminal Server environment and do not want to change this setting for all users, you can launch GP with a specific dex.ini file. Copy the existing GP shortcut and dex.ini to another location and then add it, with the full path, to the end (3rd argument) of the GP shortcut Target field.