Setting Up the DPS for GP Agent

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In order to schedule tasks with GP Agent, you will need to setup at least one DPS (Dynamics Process Server) to handle the processing of the tasks.  The DPS does all the processing, allowing you to off-load tasks from a GP client on computer to the DPS on another computer.  The DPS, with the help of GP Agent, handles all the processing so that, once the task is scheduled to run, you can log out of Dynamics GP.  Setting up a DPS simple and does not require the separate purchase of the Process Server from Microsoft (the DPS is part of the Dexterity runtime engine, which can be distributed free of charge by Microsoft ISVs).

Setting up a DPS requires these basic steps:
1. Install Dynamics GP.
2. Create a shortcut to the DPS runtime.
3. Add a DPS Server in Dynamics GP.

1. Install Dynamics GP

– If you are running the DPS on the same machine you’re using for your SQL Server, Dynamics GP is probably already installed, so you can jump to #2.  If you are using a dedicated machine (fairly simple if you’ve virtualized your servers), you need to install Dynamics GP as you would on any other workstation, including any ISV applications or Dynamics GP add-ons that you’ve installed on your standard workstation (other than Integration Manager — there’s no need to install this, though there’s no harm to doing so).
– Make sure that the ODBC DSN is exactly the same name on all workstations and servers.  If you do not keep the DSN consistent, the DPS will not be able to log into SQL Server when running tasks.
– After you’ve installed Dynamics GP, verify that you can log into GP.

2. Create a shortcut

Note: You will want to remove some dictionaries referenced in launch file used by the DPS because not all applications — including some from Microsoft — were not designed to run on the DPS.  To do this, we will create a shortcut that references a different launch file but one based on the standard Dynamics.set launch file.  The steps listed below are only an example of how to setup a DPS.

Please refer to the other related KB articles before editing your launch file.

If you are planning on utilizing multiple instances of the DPS, refer to the KB article listed below for additional information on setting up shortcuts.

– Locate the Dynamics.set file in the Dynamics GP installation folder
– Right click on the Dynamics.set file and select Copy
– Right click anywhere in the file list and select Paste to create a copy of the Dynamics.set file
– Rename the Dynamics.set file DPS.set
– Refer to the KB article on incompatible products and remove those products from the DPS.set launch file
– Locate the DPS.exe in the Dynamics GP installation folder
– Right-click on the DPS.exe and select Create Shortcut
– Rename the newly created shortcut to the DPS
– Create a subfolder under the GP Install folder called DPS1
– Move the DPS shortcut and DPS.Set into the new DPS1 folder
– Locate the dex.ini in the \Data folder and copy it into the DPS1 folder
– Right click on the DPS shortcut and select Properties
– Edit the Target so that it has three entries: “…\GP2010\DPS.exe” “…\GP2010\DPS1\DPS.set” “…\GP2010\DPS1\dex.ini”  (The three dots … are a substitute for your Dynamics GP installation folder. Make sure to include the complete path to the files and enclose them in double-quotes.  Note that the DPS is in the GP installation folder, while the launch and defaults files are in the subfolder.)
– Keep the Start in field “…\GP2010” (or wherever the DPS.exe resides)
– Click OK to save the shortcut
– Copy the DPS shortcut from the …\GP2010\DPS1\ folder to the desktop (optional, but convenient)

3. Add a DPS Server in Dynamics GP
– Under the Tools/Setup/System menu select Process Server
– Click on the Servers… button
– Unmark the “Verify connection on add” checkbox
– Type the name of the computer which will host the DPS in the “Server Host” field
– Click the Add button
– Click OK
– Click OK

You are now ready to start using GP Agent!