Integrating AIT with eConnect in Payables Management

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AIT provides unique integration capabilities via stored procesures you can call from eConnect.  These procedures can be called to handle all of the complexity that accomanies creating an intercompany Voucher.

Due From/Due To accounts are assigned automatically, so leave them 0.

PM Stored Procedures:


Use this procedure to create a header record for an AIT Payables Voucher.  If you don’t need to supply an originating company (used only with Internal Companies) or supply a Template ID, the itwsPMSaveAITDistribution procedure will automatically create a header.

Parameter Data Type Required Direction Notes
Voucher Number char(20) Yes in Same as GP Voucher
Originating Company char(5) No in Optional *
Template ID char(5) No in Supply empty sting
Description char(30) No in Additional Reference
Error State int No output Use to verify success
Error Sting varchar(255) No output Use to verify success

* This parameter exists only in AIT 2010m125 or higher.  This does not need to be called unless you want to assign an originating company when using SPARC or internal companies.


Use this procedure to create distribution records.  When creating distributions, include only the ultimate distribution and do not try to create any GP PURCH distributions, such as non-intercompany or the due from/due to distributions: the stored procedure will take care of that for you. Always assign a default value to each parameter: never use a null value.  You will have to create any non-PURCH distributions, such as PAY or CASH, in eConnect. If your process creates any PURCH distributions, they will be removed before the first AIT distribution is created, as those would cause an out-of-balance transaction.

Parameter Data Type Required Direction Notes
Vourcher Number char(20) Yes in Same as GP Transaction
Originating Company char(5) No in Originating Company ID (if using internal companies) otherwise default an empty sting
Destination Company char(5) Yes in Same as GP Transaction
Debit Amount numeric(19,5) Yes in Distribution Amount (>0)
Credit Amount numeric(19,5) Yes in Distribution Amount (>0)
Destination Account char(80) Yes in Fully Formatted Destination Company GL Account
Orignating Offset Account char(80) No in Fully Formatted GL Account
Destination Offset Account char(80) No in Fully Formatted GL Account
Reference char(30) No in Distribution Reference
Error State int No in Use to verify success
Result int No in Use to verify success